The Employee Provident Fund (EPF) has developed as an important and reliable wealth creating benefit for the organised workforce. For example, it even helps Malaysian citizen to buy their PR1MA home by using the EPF Account 2. If there are any developments about EPF, it would surely become a talking-point and can lead to strong reactions. There are a few important changes being made to Employees Provident Fund (EPF) in Budget 2019.
1. Separate tax reliefs for EPF and life insurance
Prior to the amendment, the tax relief of EPF and life insurance or takaful was combined at a total of RM6,000. Budget 2019 will separate EPF from life insurance reliefs such as EPF contributions tax relief up to RM4,000; Life insurance premiums and takaful relief up to RM3,000 and National Education Savings Scheme (SSPN) relief up to RM8,000. Some may find the separation would be a disadvantage because of higher EPF contributions, but the move may be seen as an advantageous one too as it encourages more people to get life insurance as protection.
According to Anusha Thavarajah of the Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM), the statistic shows that only 4% of the B40 households have life insurance. Therefore, the split tax benefit could be the motivation factor for the citizens to invest in a life insurance/takaful policy which leads to a better future with protection. Instead of saving RM6,000 with just your EPF contributions, you can now save a total of RM7,000 and have the insurance policy as a safety net.
2. Lower employer contribution for employees aged 60 years and above
Prior to the revision, employers were liable for contribution of 6% per month for employees aged 60 and above, while employees were required to contribute 5.5%. The minimum employers' share of EPF statutory contribution rate for employees aged 60 and above has been reduced to 4% per month in Budget 2019.
This means that businesses will be able to save 2% of their contribution for each employee aged 60 years and above. The saving in employers' share to minimum 4% would also boost employment opportunities for workers above 60 years of age, hence ensuring the population above 60 years old to remain productive and active in the economy
3. Minimum EPF contribution revised to RM264 a month
Low salaries, particularly among low-income employees, is one of the main causes that many Malaysian workers retire with insufficient funds. Statistics from the EPF showed that 64% of members who reached the age of 54 have savings below RM50,000 which is an insufficient sum when taking into consideration the high cost of living and household debts.
The EPF said with this new amendment, the expected monthly contribution to be received by the EPF for every worker who earns monthly wages will not be lesser than RM264, subject to whether the worker is full time worker.
There will be different minimum contribution applicable to members who are salaried on a weekly, daily or hourly basis namely those part-timers. The EPF said notices had been sent to all registered employers on this matter and it would work closely with employers to ensure the smooth implementation of the policy.
4. EPF revises up basic savings target from RM228,000 to RM240,000
EPF has increased its Basic Savings target from RM228,000 to RM240,000 effective from Jan 1, 2019.
RM240,000 is the minimum amount of savings members should have upon reaching age 55. According to a statement, the EPF said the new quantum is benchmarked against the minimum retirement pension for public sector employees, which was raised from RM950 to RM1,000 per month.
5. i-Suri initiative for eligible housewives under e-Kasih scheme
The i-Suri initiative, which was launched on Aug 15, 2018, has received positive feedback from the citizens and as at October 2018, the total number registered is 28,963, which is equivalent to 13.29% of those who are eligible under e-Kasih. The ladies who are qualified for applying this incentive are housewives, widows and single mothers who are enlisted in the National Database on Poverty (eKasih).
Taking into account the new changes and initiatives, the EPF has made it easier for Malaysians, across all age groups, to save up for their future. This incentive is expected to provide housewives with an avenue to save for their future well-being.
Hai pembaca blog kesayangan CikSha semua.
Artikel kat atas ni sebenarnya tentang beberapa perubahan yang telah dipinda tentang KWSP dalam pembentangan bajet 2019. Jadi bagi yang kureng sikit kefahaman baca artikel omputih, ni CikSha bagi penerangan serba ringkas pasal artikel di atas ok!
Ni 5 point utama yang di hi-lite dalam artikel di atas.
1. Pasal pembayaran insuran diri yang telah diasingkan dari KWSP. Tujuannya untuk menggalakkan lebih ramai individu yang bekerja untuk membeli sendiri insuran diri secara persendirian sebagai perlindungan untuk masa depan yang lebih terjamin.
2. Pengurangan jumlah bayaran KWSP yang perlu majikan keluarkan untuk pekerja yang berumur 60 tahun ke atas. Dulu majikan diwajibkan menyumbang 6% untuk pekerja, tapi lepas pembentangan bajet 2019, jumlah bayaran dikurangkan kepada 4%. Tujuannya nak bagi peluang kepada mereka yang berumur 60 tahun ke atas untuk bekerja dan majikan berpeluang menyumbang lebih banyak kepada lebih ramai pekerja umur 60 tahun ke atas.
3. Bayaran minimum untuk simpanan KWSP pekerja ditetapkan sebanyak RM264 sebulan. Tujuannya nak pastikan semua pencarum KWSP dapat pulangan yang mencukupi bila dah sampai had umur (54 tahun) untuk pengeluaran caruman KWSP di hari tua.
4. Simpanan asas pencarum dinaikkan dari RM228,000 kepada RM240,000.
5. i-Suri untuk surirumah, balu dan ibu tunggal yang layak di bawah Skim e-Kasih.
Haaa, jelas dah kan? CikSha harap artikel ni dapat bagi pemahaman yang lebih jelas kepada semua tentang beberapa pindaan dalam caruman KWSP yang dibentangkan dalam Bajet 2019 tahun lepas tu.
1. Separate tax reliefs for EPF and life insurance
Prior to the amendment, the tax relief of EPF and life insurance or takaful was combined at a total of RM6,000. Budget 2019 will separate EPF from life insurance reliefs such as EPF contributions tax relief up to RM4,000; Life insurance premiums and takaful relief up to RM3,000 and National Education Savings Scheme (SSPN) relief up to RM8,000. Some may find the separation would be a disadvantage because of higher EPF contributions, but the move may be seen as an advantageous one too as it encourages more people to get life insurance as protection.
According to Anusha Thavarajah of the Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM), the statistic shows that only 4% of the B40 households have life insurance. Therefore, the split tax benefit could be the motivation factor for the citizens to invest in a life insurance/takaful policy which leads to a better future with protection. Instead of saving RM6,000 with just your EPF contributions, you can now save a total of RM7,000 and have the insurance policy as a safety net.
2. Lower employer contribution for employees aged 60 years and above
Prior to the revision, employers were liable for contribution of 6% per month for employees aged 60 and above, while employees were required to contribute 5.5%. The minimum employers' share of EPF statutory contribution rate for employees aged 60 and above has been reduced to 4% per month in Budget 2019.
This means that businesses will be able to save 2% of their contribution for each employee aged 60 years and above. The saving in employers' share to minimum 4% would also boost employment opportunities for workers above 60 years of age, hence ensuring the population above 60 years old to remain productive and active in the economy
3. Minimum EPF contribution revised to RM264 a month
Low salaries, particularly among low-income employees, is one of the main causes that many Malaysian workers retire with insufficient funds. Statistics from the EPF showed that 64% of members who reached the age of 54 have savings below RM50,000 which is an insufficient sum when taking into consideration the high cost of living and household debts.
The EPF said with this new amendment, the expected monthly contribution to be received by the EPF for every worker who earns monthly wages will not be lesser than RM264, subject to whether the worker is full time worker.
There will be different minimum contribution applicable to members who are salaried on a weekly, daily or hourly basis namely those part-timers. The EPF said notices had been sent to all registered employers on this matter and it would work closely with employers to ensure the smooth implementation of the policy.
4. EPF revises up basic savings target from RM228,000 to RM240,000
EPF has increased its Basic Savings target from RM228,000 to RM240,000 effective from Jan 1, 2019.
RM240,000 is the minimum amount of savings members should have upon reaching age 55. According to a statement, the EPF said the new quantum is benchmarked against the minimum retirement pension for public sector employees, which was raised from RM950 to RM1,000 per month.
5. i-Suri initiative for eligible housewives under e-Kasih scheme
The i-Suri initiative, which was launched on Aug 15, 2018, has received positive feedback from the citizens and as at October 2018, the total number registered is 28,963, which is equivalent to 13.29% of those who are eligible under e-Kasih. The ladies who are qualified for applying this incentive are housewives, widows and single mothers who are enlisted in the National Database on Poverty (eKasih).
Taking into account the new changes and initiatives, the EPF has made it easier for Malaysians, across all age groups, to save up for their future. This incentive is expected to provide housewives with an avenue to save for their future well-being.
Hai pembaca blog kesayangan CikSha semua.
Artikel kat atas ni sebenarnya tentang beberapa perubahan yang telah dipinda tentang KWSP dalam pembentangan bajet 2019. Jadi bagi yang kureng sikit kefahaman baca artikel omputih, ni CikSha bagi penerangan serba ringkas pasal artikel di atas ok!
Ni 5 point utama yang di hi-lite dalam artikel di atas.
1. Pasal pembayaran insuran diri yang telah diasingkan dari KWSP. Tujuannya untuk menggalakkan lebih ramai individu yang bekerja untuk membeli sendiri insuran diri secara persendirian sebagai perlindungan untuk masa depan yang lebih terjamin.
2. Pengurangan jumlah bayaran KWSP yang perlu majikan keluarkan untuk pekerja yang berumur 60 tahun ke atas. Dulu majikan diwajibkan menyumbang 6% untuk pekerja, tapi lepas pembentangan bajet 2019, jumlah bayaran dikurangkan kepada 4%. Tujuannya nak bagi peluang kepada mereka yang berumur 60 tahun ke atas untuk bekerja dan majikan berpeluang menyumbang lebih banyak kepada lebih ramai pekerja umur 60 tahun ke atas.
3. Bayaran minimum untuk simpanan KWSP pekerja ditetapkan sebanyak RM264 sebulan. Tujuannya nak pastikan semua pencarum KWSP dapat pulangan yang mencukupi bila dah sampai had umur (54 tahun) untuk pengeluaran caruman KWSP di hari tua.
4. Simpanan asas pencarum dinaikkan dari RM228,000 kepada RM240,000.
5. i-Suri untuk surirumah, balu dan ibu tunggal yang layak di bawah Skim e-Kasih.
Haaa, jelas dah kan? CikSha harap artikel ni dapat bagi pemahaman yang lebih jelas kepada semua tentang beberapa pindaan dalam caruman KWSP yang dibentangkan dalam Bajet 2019 tahun lepas tu.
Bisik-bisik :: CikSha pernah guna akaun 2 KWSP untuk bayar PTPTN tau.
dah check penyata thn 2018..dptlah sedikit dividen. Alhamdulillah...